We could always use more help in various capacities to ensure our events run smoothly.

“For we are laborers together with God….”: 1 Corinthians 3:9


We encourage you to join our volunteer team and demonstrate your love for God through your service. Worship His Majesty offers many volunteer opportunities to serve The Lord. Please complete the form below and we will contact you to share more information with you. We look forward to working with you in the vineyard of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Volunteer Opportunities

Language interpreters

They support this by interpreting some of the songs with writing from various languages to English language. We often need assistance translating from French, Spanish, and various African dialects.

Janitorial Team

They support Janitorial activities such as clean up of facilities after each event

Ushering & Protocol

They support our events by welcoming guests and executing other logistic activities during our events, we often require a minimum of 20 ushers per event

Graphic Artists

They design our flyers and other publicity materials: Join our praise and worship team as a vocalist or instrumentalist

Registration Form

What volunteer opportunity are you interested in?

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